Please check this out!


Hey all! I’m in at least two upcoming anthologies from this great publishing company: Dark Chapter Press. The kickstarter campaign is to benefit not only DCP but the authors involved in this particular anthology as well! Give it a look, see what you think, and consider supporting a great publisher and their wonderful authors!


Kill For a Copy – SLASHED – the new Kickstarter Campaign @dark_chapter_uk

Tinker Mountain Writers Workshop – WOW!


As you can see, I have returned from my writing workshop in Roanoke VA. My good friend, Robin Crow Haase and I had a fantastic time – I met some great fellow writers, got some excellent critiques to help enhance my stories, walked my butt off all over a small campus (needed the exercise!), and got some incredible insight, incentive, and encouragement all around. My brain fried, my creative juices flowed, and I had good company to share it all!

I would highly recommend a workshop to anyone who wishes to enhance and improve their writing, no matter what they specialize in…and I’m looking forward to next year’s event already!

Hope you all have a great week, read much, review often and encourage your writer friends in every way possible!


Busy, busy, busy…


Hello all! Want to give you a quick update as to the comings and goings within the next two weeks of yours truly.

First of all, I have upcoming anthologies soon to be published which carry my short stories. Dark Chapter Press – check them out! – is coming out with anthologies galore. Go to their website and see what grim little goodies they have in store for you!

Next is the wonderful, all-encompassing, fantastic JEA Press. Anthologies abound in this great group, and I highly recommend checking their website out for upcoming anthos and books, as well as a list of incredible reads by my fellow authors!

The estimable Sirens Call Publications is another fantastic publisher of the creepy and haunted. Take a gander at their website for both upcoming and current published stories.

And last, but never least, the new, Alucard Press, who has graciously accepted two of my flash fictions for an upcoming antho.  Please check out this publisher – you will be surprised at the tidbits of reading tingles they have to offer!

So, as you can see I am very busy writing and proofing my stories. I also am going to be manning a booth at our ‘Polk Salad Festival’ in Harriman, Tennessee this Saturday (June 6), along with a bunch of creative types (my buddies, of course!) from the Roane County Writers Group. If you live near or around the area, come check us out and see what we have to offer!  I will have some of my books for sale, autographed, and look forward to seeing some of you good folks there as well!

I will be blogging next week from Roanoke, Virginia. My good friend and fellow writer, Robin Crowe Haase and I will be attending the Tinker Mountain Writers Workshop for the whole week, so I will apologize in advance if my blog next week is either short, or non-existent – this is going to be an intense writing experience and I plan on gleaning as much knowledge as possible, and Robin, who attended last year, says they keep us thinking with exercises and homework the whole time! (I can’t wait!!!)

Hope you all are reading some awesome works, reviewing as much as possible, and simply enjoying life through a good book in some form or another.

Until next week, take care, read something you’d never considered reading before and give yourself a treat! Summer I here, and there’ nothing like a good book under the shade of an umbrella in the sun!  🙂