Back to the Monday ‘Grind’!


Hello all! Hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready for the new week!  Worked on my Asian Vampire story – am up to 52,900 words and its still flowing like a stream! (keeping toes crossed to ensure it stays that way!) 🙂 Weather hot and humid with a couple of thunder showers but otherwise I can deal with it.  Helps when one is in an air conditioned home for the majority of the time, right?! Want to give a shout out to my fellow authors…..go to my website and you can turn to my ‘authors’ page and my ‘publishers’ and these links will take you to some other great writers that you may find to be fascinating reads! But please, don’t forget lil’ ol’ me!!! Must get back to the writing whilst my muse is still sitting on my shoulders….have a great Monday and rest of the week if I don’t get the chance to blog later on!   

Rough Monday


Had a very rough day, Monday. Found my kitty, Simon, passed away in the cattery.  Autopsy showed stomach cancer, but not the usual kind. He had no symptoms – was playing the day before and eating, drinking and wanted tummy rubs.  The autopsy showed his intestines had become hardened, like rubber and had cracked. It was very much like a ruptured appendix – the vet said he more than likely did not suffer – simply went into a coma and died. He was 7 1/2 years old and the sweetest guy.  My only consolation is that I know he’s at the Rainbow Bridge and I will see him when I pass on.