Blogging for a friend’s new business!


This is a little off the norm for my usual blogs –  all about authors – but my friend Rosie has an up-and-coming business that could benefit all students and adults going back to College, just starting,  or thinking about upgrading their education!

Her business offers all levels of financial advice, how-to and where-to regarding loans and financing needs for those who are either just plunging into college life, have been there for a bit, or are dipping your toes back into educational waters after a long time of working in the real world!

Check this site out:  – in the Chicago IL, area.

I’m positive they can help you with all of your college related financial needs, budgeting, or be able to either answer any number of questions you may have or get you on the right track!

Take care for now, and as I always say, read well and often!   🙂

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