Event in October!

Cover Photo

Public · Hosted by Sam Gregory
  • Hey all! Check out the Facebook Events calendar for a month of Fear, Horror and Fantastic Authors! Sam Gregory
    is hosting the Blood Moon Rising 2 event and it promises to
    be a terror/fun filled month! Each day will highlight a different author and when we are on, all bets are off! Yours truly will be up and scaring on Oct. 22nd!  Don’t forget to mark the month on your calendar and join us for one heck of a FEAR FEST!
    Oct 1 at 12:00pm to Nov 1 at 12:00pm in UTC+01

Check out our review at this BlogSpot!


Jack Rollins:

Well done everyone – here’s a fantastic review of the work you all put into this great and horrific volume!

This is a place where I can share some great books, some interviews and other surprises for fans of splatterpunk and other genres of books
slaphappyfuntime.blogspot.com|By Michael…
Hey all! Check this out! I found this to be a great BlogSpot, as well as being thrilled with the review that Michael gave the antho I am in! All of us authors are very fortunate to be a part of Dark Chapter Press, and this group looks like it is going to go far!
Once you see the review, if you haven’t already, grab a copy and be ready to go on the mental ride of your life!
Until next time, read often, enjoy what you read and pass it on! 🙂

Good news, good news and more good news!


It’s been a wild beginning to a new week!

Hubby got his official start date for a permanent work position, I got my 2nd edits back for the 2nd book in my ‘Searchers Inc’ series, “Desert Tracks”, by JEA Press – and – they offered me a contract for my novel, “One Night in the Eternity Of…”

This story is about an Asian vampire with Narcolepsy – yep – think of Johnny Depp’s Dark Shadows. The story is a dark comedy/action, and everyone who’s proofed it seems to like it!

Also, last Friday night I was on Zombiepalooza with the wonderful Jacki Chen and my co-author, Charlotte Marie Morgan, regarding our collaborated novella, Z-REGEN. This story is in the editing phase, but Charlotte showed off the book cover during the talk show, and we chatted about how the story came about – Charlotte’s brainchild of an idea, my fleshing out the story, and the two of us working on compiling the whole tale! 😉

I am also reading/reviewing a wonderful story by Sam Gregory – “Indeadpendance Day” and will post my review as soon as I’ve read this whole book. I’ve already started, and have to admit, it was hard to put down last night…

Also, if anyone out there is around the Oak Ridge, TN area, I will be at a book signing with my books on this Friday, 5 – 8 p.m. at a little bookstore named “Locally Grown” on Old Towne Rd. Hope anyone who lives out this way can make it! Give me a holler if you do! I will be there with the estimable author, BJ Gillum.

So, as you can see, it has been a very busy, busy Monday.

Hope the rest of the week stays as interesting, without the rush-rush-rush. However, I do love to stay busy when it comes to writing and reading!

Take care all, have a great week, and pass it on to others when you’ve found an incredible author/book – paying it forward is what counts in this ol’ world!

A blog for my wolfbros and wolfsis’s!


Good Monday to you all! Hope you had a great weekend!

My little blog today is actually a bit of flash fiction I wrote last Thursday at my Kingston Library Writer’s Group. Our estimable leader, BJ Gillum, always gives us writing prompts during our meeting, to sharpen our wits and give us a chance to hone our writing chops, encourage ideas and help each other out in case someone is in the ‘stuck’ position in their writing.

So, I have a little tale, encouraged by my fellow howlers: Toneye, Michelle, Becky, and all you others (You know who you are!) 😉

I hope you enjoy my little contribution and remember – you can get an idea for a story anywhere, any time. Trust your gut, guys!

The three inch claws dug into the bark of the tree, digging grooves four feet long. The bugs skittered out from the rents, giving the creature the chance to press his snout to the rips and lap up the insectile protein running around the bole.

The moon was full, the rays seeping through the burned and warped branches that now passed for the world. The apocalypse had happened months earlier, and what the bombs and weapons of mass destruction did not decimate outright, it warped and distorted that which survived.

The creature had been caught during his transformation, the eye-searing blast and subsequent deafening roar engulfing him as he made a desperate attempt to outrun the all-consuming light. He made it to an old badger’s den and dove in, head first, pulling his legs into the damp, root entangled cave just as the evaporating wind and blast hit his location.

He had no idea how long he lay there, only that it seemed like an eternity, his fur-covered arms firmly gripping and crushing his legs up against his chest, head buried beneath one armpit.

The silence and lightening at the den opening was what finally coaxed him out of his refuge. He almost wished he had stayed underground.

Crouched on all fours, he put his nose into the wind, lips curling back from elongated canines, scenting the air, trying to find anything familiar. The woods were gone; blackened, burned shrubs, singed grass and gnarled stumps now the only things in sight for as far as he could see.

Giving into his fear, he howled;


then held his breath, waiting to see if he got a reply. Nothing. Terror began to grip his brain, and in desperation, he attempted to ‘change’, but his body refused to comply. His desperate search began.

For the past seven moons, he’d been travelling across the country, finding some places not as desolate, others even worse than his original home. Every night, he would find the highest point and pointing his nose to the now yellow/red moon, would call out:


Yet never received an answer. Though his brain was still human, thinking and functioning like a homo sapien, his physique was forever locked into it’s animal state; the condition he was in the night his world ended.

Tonight, he once again climbed to the top of a barren hill, pointing his muzzle toward the moon, and began to howl, but, something stopped him cold. A smell – a scent that was similar to his – blew across his face on the foetid air. He turned toward the smell and gave out one of his most vocal bellows:


This time, in the near distance, there was a response:


The crushing loneliness disappeared in one fell swoop. Giving out high ‘yips’ in response, he bounded toward the encouraging cry – the world’s loneliest werewolf was alone no more.

Let’s welcome another new author!*Applause*

Hey all! Check out Jen Redmile – she’s new, she’s brilliant, and she’s got an incredible writing style all her own! Check it out, write a review and let’s get this new author up and running! 🙂

OMG it’s finally happened. My first novel The Children of When is now available to order in print, and will be available as an ebook in about 12 hours. WOOHOO!!! I’m a publisher author!!

Leah, Raff, and Belle have been raised in separate “foster-homes” until they turn fourteen. On that day, the law states they must leave everything for an unknown future. When they are magically transported to another world, they discover not only each other, but a prophecy that has waited 1000 years…